Thursday, August 7, 2008


Alternate Title: What drives you?

Original Posting Date: 05/25/08

I actually been meaning to write this blog for some time now. Ironically enough I never really made the effort to do so, even though I wanted to. Since I'm not doing much right now, I figure I'll give it the old college try.

So, losing weight is no easy task. Whenever it's 5 pounds, 20 pounds, 50 pounds, 100 pounds, etc, it is always hard stuff. Hell, I should know, with all the times I tried to lose weight before. I think it was partly because I never tried very hard those times, but also because I lacked that motivation that would keep me going. Now that has definately changed..and the other day I got to thinking about what motivates me, keeps me going. And I came up with this list:

I really couldn't have done this without my friends. And not just those that encouraged me, kept me in track, and rewarded my efforts..but also my more assholish friends who didn't believe I could do it (Can I blame them?), or made bets how many days it would take me to give up. Proving them wrong became A HUGE driving force. Though really, at the end of the day, it was those that congratulated me, commented how good I looked, and just gave me good feedback that I think had more effect. And that continues even now.

2)The Scale
Seeing that scale, and those numbers growing smaller and smaller was something that really pushed me on. After all, those first pounds, when they dropped, it wasn't very noticeable. But it was on the scale. And that's what kept me going, and helped me out.

3)The Future and the Present

Thinking about the future is certainly something that keeps me going. Knowing that eventually I'll reach that point when I'm actually at a healthy weight, and when I know I'm happy with myself. That said, the present keeps me plenty of motivated as it is. Each day when I work out, and feeling that high from working out. Knowing I made a good choice in picking my food for the day. Or just looking at the mirror, and realizing that I look pretty decent.

4)South Park
Yes. South Park. Particularly one episode, and one exchange at the end.

Stan: Dad, you like to drink, so have a drink once in a while. Have two! If you devote your whole life to completely avoiding something you like, then that thing still controls your life and... and you've never learned any discipline at all.
Randy: But, maybe I'm just the kind of person who needs to have it all or nothing.
Stan: No. All or nothing is easy. But learning to drink a little bit, responsibly? That's a-disiprin. Disirpin come from within.

Maybe it was because I was just starting off and needed encouragement, but this really spoke to me. I just took it to mean that I could mess up, I could have those days when maybe I ate a burger, or didn't work out. The important thing was discipline, and not to let those old habits control me.

Those were just a few things off the top of my head. I'm sure there's even more I could think about at if I had enough time. The point is (I think..I been known to ramble) is that we all need that motivation. Motivation which can be found in all sorts of places. Hell, hopefully if anyone comes across this, they'll be slightly motivated. I know I was writing this. :P

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